Saturday, February 20, 2010

My messy little eater...

Many of you might not know this...but there is a long history of creativity in our family. My grandmother Dorothy was an accomplished painter (latex--she painted her husband's truck with a brush--no kidding) and my dad was the owner of American Handicrafts in Missoula, MT. He single-handedly taught all of Western MT to macrame in the 70s.

Well...lately I've been thinking of what I could do to make Henri's mealtimes less messy. For him, eating is a full contact sport...with his clothes completely covered by the time he is finished. I have seen the plastic shirt bibs...but the problem is they are plastic. There is no where for the food to absorb...meaning it will drip off onto the high-chair and eventually to my floor. Some of you may remember the doggie booties I tried to make Oreo wear when we first renovated our you know that I do have a bit of a hang-up with floors. Today...on our morning walk...I had a it is...

One old pillow-case with arm and head holes cut:

Roll-up sleeves for complete meal-time enjoyment (bib still necessary):

Applaud when we finally hit our mouth (vs. the floor or our dog):

Remove pillow-case when complete and voila...clothes are saved (minus drool from teething :)):

What the pillowcase was able to catch:

A smashing success! However for future product development...will add back snap/tie closure. :)

1 comment:

  1. You should have Jeff bring home pediatric hospital gowns! (Not that I would have ever done ANYTHING of the sort in MY house....) ;)

    Adorable! Ingenious actually!
