Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trunk or Treat, Tiger flashlight

Today was Trunk or Treat at Henri and Lili's school. We sent both kids to school in their costume, and then they changed after the big event. Henri...has had this cute Hanna Andersson pumpkin costume to wear since we brought him home. Today, the day to debut as a pumpkin, Henri decided he was scared of his outfit. Pitched a fit...did not want to get dressed. Now, he might have been sending me a message...maybe he was afraid he would get beat-up by the other kids for wearing this to school?? I think he looks cute. Here he is...just after his Level 9 melt-down:

We played with the button made the pumpkin seem not so scary:

Lili was also in a fabulous mood this morning. It might have been because it was 90 degrees outside...and as a kitty cat...she had a black wool hat to wear. As you can tell she didn't like it:

Lili realized she could almost pull it off:

Yes! I'm happy again:

We came home from school, to find a present from Grandpa and Grandma Fleharty at the door. Henri was so excited about his new flashlight:

It growls as the light shines:

Henri was petting his new tiger, like a dog:

And then he gave it a kiss:

He even fed it a few crackers for dinner...and then gave it another kiss. :) So sweet...he loves his tiger:

We are on vacation next week...we'll post more photos soon. Happy Halloween!

School pictures

Henri and Lili had school pictures taken last month. I was thinking they would take a picture of the kids in front of the standard gray background, that every school picture usually has. What a surprise...when the proofs came back...and our little ones are surrounded by fall foliage. :) Here is Henri:

And a half-smile...

And here is Lili...not sure what this face is:

I think she might be scared to be surrounded by all those leaves and the apples. :)

It's been a busy week. Another post coming next...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sick, sick, sick

We had a very long weekend at our house. On Friday...Henri's teacher called to say that Henri was not feeling well. He made it to the end of the day, but was not his typical tornado self. I had an event on Friday night for Saturday morning rolled around, and Henri was definitely sick. He was on fire...and not feeling good. Our sweet little boy. The treat of Henri being sick...all he wanted to do was cuddle and sleep. :)

By Sunday afternoon...his fever finally broke. We are waiting to see how Lili does over these next few days. I was convinced she was getting sick...but tonight...she was doing will wait and see.

This was taken Sunday morning. In between me running to church to help...and the grocery store to make sure we had Sprite and crackers on hand....I came home to see this. So sweet.

We'll post more soon. As soon as we are all back in business. Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We love Publix

Tomorrow is a very special day at our's Henrik's Norwegian Name Day. Here is a great link that talks about Name Days:

We think it's great to have another day to celebrate for our sweet Henri. So...tomorrow, we are bringing cookies to his class, with an "H" in honor of our little boy. Here are a few pics of our Publix shopping trip--to buy cookies for the class.

Shopping "is always a pleasure" at our local retro Publix. And...,thanks to being in Florida by the space coast...Henri and Lili could enjoy our shopping trip complete in a shuttle-shaped cart:

A little out of order...but here are half of Henri's cookies:

 At the check-out counter. I love this picture...mostly because it was so funny to watch them in the cart:

He is squishing my face:

I mean, really squishing my face:

The other half of Henri's cookies. Happy Name Day, Henrik!

Loving shopping in the shuttle cart:

Little Lili was so focused on driving...she is flexing her muscles in this photo:

A casual corner turn for Mr. Henri:

Checking out the turning radius:

Lili loved being in the cart. She is getting to be so big...and loves doing everything her brother does. Watch out...she's a fiesty little one. :)

We'll see how Henri's class does eating green and blue frosted cookies. Definitely not sending Henri to school in a white shirt. :) More photos coming soon...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Random photos from the past week...

I have been a delinquent I thought I would try and catch up and post just a few of our favorite pictures from this past week. They are both growing and changing so's amazing to see what "new" tricks they are doing. As of today...Henri now has his top two eye teeth (note the extra drool in the next photos), and Lili is standing, can say "da da" and is eating cereal and baby food. Lots of changes!

Here is our sweet Lili. When she sees food coming and she is sitting in the high chair, her little legs start kicking...with excitement. Very cute:

Our big boy Henri...he can officially drink out of a straw!

Henri loves to play outside. When he is out in the backyard, he also loves to try and encourage his sister to come out and join him. Here is their "through the glass door" kiss:

She was so proud to pull herself up on the refridgerator door, I couldn't help but let her stand there for a minute:

Here I am...surveying the condiments:

So this was one of the sweet moments they share...that had the potential to turn real ugly, real quick. Lili was crawling up on Henri's car, so we sat her on the seat so she could play. Along comes Henri and he decides to give her a little push. We were helping...both were laughing. Suddenly, Henri decided it was his turn to sit, and Lili should get off and push:

You can see how well that worked out:

 Henri is in a very funny stage right now. He loves to he is...standing on the coffin of toys, "Ta-Da!:

Henri has also learned to say, "Hello" and "Bye-bye." The sad he only says them when he pretends to hold a cell phone to his head. :( What does that say about his parents? Here Henri is...saying "Hello" to his banana. He doesn't even realize how funny this is:

Food raiders--partners in crime:

Another funny story from the past week...we took the kids grocery shopping. For those of you who know me...know that I am a loyal Costco, Target and Publix shopper. They just built a Wal-Mart near our house...and while I voted against construction...I can't believe how inexpensive it is to shop there. Produce...not so fresh....but canned goods, snacks for the's shocking how much money we save. We are in line, waiting to check out, and the check out guy looks at us, looks at our kids, and says..."You guys babysitting?" I just laughed and said, "Yeah. For life."

More soon...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Our little pumpkins

Shamani, Henri's Godfather, came to visit this past weekend. We had a whirl-wind of a visit, but as always, great to catch up, and such a treat for Henri and Lili to spend time with him. Our church, St. John Lutheran, has one of the best pumpkin patches in the Central Florida area. After church on Sunday, we took the little ones over to the pumpkin patch to take a peak. Here are few photos from the day:

Shamani brought both Henri and Lili outfits from Namibia to enjoy. Henri's is still a little big...but they looked so sweet in their matching clothes! Here is Henri picking out a pumpkin:

Look at that little sweet:

Playing in the pumpkins:

Can't reposition...but isn't he just the cutest boy, ever?!:

So...they had this great "toss the bean-bag game" that Henri started to play...but then he decided:

He should put his head through the hole, instead:

Now here comes Miss Lili:

Both pumpkins:

Lili was having a hard day. It was way-past her nap time...and it shows on her face:

Walking through the pumpkins was fun...but riding on the cart was way better. Even though it just sat there...Henri pretended it moved:

A sad Lili...trying to show her a pumpkin. She is not entertained:

Consoling sad Lili:

I wasn't quite sure if this was going to be a kiss or a bite...he can be a bit of a shark:

Shamani's nephew, Pandeni, also joined in the fun. It's his first American Halloween:

Our little ones...together in the wheelbarrow:

Almost happy together:

Kind-of happy together:

Sort-of looking at each other: least both of their faces are showing:

We have more pictures coming's late...must go to sleep. More later...