Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Houston...we have a VISA!

The best Christmas present of all...we just received our notice from our local immigration office. We have been approved for two children, under the age of five, and are now OK to apply for our I-600 for our little Henri. Yay! We are hoping this means that we will be able to travel to Ethiopia on the earlier date (January 14)...but will wait to confirm with Sue. She is traveling with two children from Ethiopia--bringing them back to their families. Can't wait to talk to her when she finally settles back in.

On a totally separate note...having just turned 36...I couldn't resist sharing. Our neighbor's little boy, Tucker, is sweet as can be. A few weeks ago, I played hide and seek with him in their front yard. Then, Jeff showed Tucker how our doorbell sounds like chimes if you hold it down. Today, I just walked in from work, the phone was ringing and I heard the doorbell chimes begin. There was little Tucker waiting to tell me about the dentist (yikes) and how he wanted to play games. When Carrie, his mom, mentioned I might be busy, and might not be able to play, he asked, "is her dad there?" Poor Jeff...this is what happens when you turn 40. :)

I posted a few new photos of our nursery. Not quite as fire-hydrant yellow. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. You guys!
    I am so happy for you! What a blessing! It was so good to get your Christmas card and hear such wonderful news!

    Can't wait to keep reading.
    With much love
