Saturday, May 1, 2010

A day in the park...

We've had a busy week with Henri. On Friday...he went to the doctor and we found out that he still has something in his we are now the proud owners of our very own nebulizer machine. I am about 99% certain that a mom was not on the product design team for a nebulizer. The instructions read..."do a quiet activity with your child during treatment." Ha! Ever tried to put a mask on an 11 month old...and then try to have them play quietly for 15 minutes? Not so much.

Despite the terrible design of having to hold a steaming plastic tube up to Henri's nose...I do think it is helping. He was coughing today...and his lungs are not nearly as rattle-sounding. We go back to the doctor on Tuesday...hopefully he'll have made a full recovery and will be feeling like a dream!

Jeff finished his last test he has clinicals until Thursday...and then will have graduation next weekend. Can't believe we are coming to the end of the road in his career change...but are thrilled to be done. He still has to pass his the next few weeks will be dedicated to study, study, study.

Henri and I spent the afternoon outside. We took a long walk...and then went to Ce Fiore for a little frozen yogurt. Of course...I didn't pack anything for our walk...just a pack of wipes...since we tend to be a bit messy. Luckily...we were right across from Publix...because we had a level 9 blow-out...and needed to make a quick stop for diapers. :) After we were changed and clean...we walked back to the park. Here's a little video of Henri in the swings. I also tried to have him show his "Itsy Bitsy Spider" skills...I'll try again tomorrow. Too many distractions outside. :) Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kara...
    Jack does neb treatments 3 times daily. He has this mask that looks like a fish face that he wears. It's super cute and really easy. Then, while he's doing his treatment, I let him play with my phone. Or something that he's not usually allowed to play with. (hey, it works!). But that long thing is really hard for little should see if they will let you have a mask instead.
    Congrats to Jeff! So proud for you all!
