Saturday, July 31, 2010

Henri loves to dance. L-O-V-E LOVES to dance. In fact...right now he is sporting a nice bruise on his cheek from school...where he got a little carried away showing his friends his moves, and hit his cheek on one of the table edges. Didn't stop him from moving...they tried to ice his cheek to prevent swelling, but he continued to dance it off. :) Here he is...demonstrating how he "shakes his booty." It's very funny.

We are still trying to get a great shot of both kids smiling. Here they and sister. :)

Today, we decided to play with the sprinkler in the yard. Notice the dead grass...we obviously should have watered a bit earlier. It's so hot here...everything is basically scorched. :) Jeff and I were out shopping last weekend, and decided that Henri needed a special sprinkler to use in the yard. He loves the water...and we thought this might be our own "splash park." We were totally suckered in to the packaging...and in a weak moment...bought one of those Buzz Lightyear blastoff sprinklers...costs a ton...seems like fun. :) For all you parents out there...resist the's not worth it. After prying it out of the packaging...we finally had it working...not nearly as exciting as it is Henri wanting to have it "blast-off" one more time....

Running through the traditional up on the Buzz....

A bit out of order...but here is a shot of Lili from the back. We have decided she might be a Fleharty. From this angle...she resembles Grandma Fleharty. :)

Henri's favorite toy...crawling through the IKEA tunnel. Hours of entertainment.

Henri loves to read. This night...he was completely into The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss. He also rediscovered his ABC wheel...and danced and danced and danced to the ABC song. Thanks Mike, Jodi, and Emilie for sending the book and toy when Henri first arrived. They have been rediscovered!

Sweet Henri...

While Henri is Miss love with her daddy. She loves to babble...and will jabber all day long. She loves to say "da-da" sweet.

Cute Miss Lili...laughing at her brother. She loves the's her favorite toy. sweet Miss Lili. She's so cute...sometimes we just want to eat her up!

Back to our at home water park...we found...forget the sprinkler...Henri loved the hose. It's so hot...the water straight from the tap was still luke-warm. He kept begging for us to spray him with funny....

While Henri splashed...his sister tried to stay dry in the jogger stroller. She's so small...she's tucked away and you can't even see her...

Ah...I love the water!

Henri has a love-hate relationship with glasses. He loves to wear them (even though he doesn't need them)...but the glasses hate to be man-handled by his paws. :) He worked over my mom's glasses while we were in Ethiopia...she had to go in for a new pair. Yikes. Here he is wearing my glasses this morning. It was hard to get a photo...but we think he looks like a minature Spike Lee.

It was a good week for us...our stroller finally arrived! The wait was killing us....or maybe me. :) Here they their new ride a spin....

And one last shot...this time you can see Henri's smile. They love their new stroller. Mom and dad do, too. :)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. We'll post more soon!

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