Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Back from Michigan....

Just over a week ago, we decided that we had one weekend to travel and see family. One of our closest family friends in Michigan has been battling illness for a few years and her prognosis was not good. Before Jeff started working as an anesthetist...we decided that we would fly to visit and catch up with the Schultz side of the family. It was a brave trip...our first flight with both kids...who did great.

Henri loved being able to run in Papa and Grandma Schultz' yard. Here we are...look at how tiny Lili looks in comparison to her big brother!

Grandma Schultz saved Jeff's first tricycle. Henri decided he wanted to take it for a spin. :)

With so many kids around...we decided to take everyone to a waterpark. Henri loved the his is showing off his six-pack abs. :)

Bob and Joyce's neighbors surprised us with this headband for little Miss Mouse.

Little Lili is starting to really blossom. She can roll from front to back and back to front. She is great with holding up her head, and has really started to jabber. She's very small...but she did gain one pound since we have had her...hopefully she will start to catch up on the growth charts.

Miss Lili laughing at the spray-park:

We spent time with Jeff's best friend from growing up, John, his wife, Lisa, and their three beautiful children. Here is Henri in Jeff's old wagon, with Sophie. John and Lisa's youngest child.

Jeff and John pulling the kids in the wagon...

Lili deciding that she needed to get in on the wagon action.

Lili has such long, slim fingers. We all think she might be a pianist. Here she and her brother are with their Unka Becca...playing a few notes.

We were able to bring all of the Schultz cousins together for a quick photo. Bradye, EJ, Emilie, Lili and Henri.
Tough to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time. :)

Saying goodbye to Papa and Grandma Schultz.

It was a very quick trip....we flew up on Friday...and home on Monday...but was great to see everyone. Unfortunately, we missed seeing Denise Roth, she passed just before we arrived...but were able to see family and friends and attend her funeral reception. Denise was an amazing wife, mother, grandmother, and friend and will be sorely missed. Hug and kiss your loved never know what will happen in life.
xoxo...more soon.

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