Monday, July 19, 2010

Lili's photo shoot...tornado warnings

I have been feeling extremely guilty that I haven't sent out announcements for Lili. She has been home for almost a month...and they just have not gotten done. This project was to finish her announcements so I could have them in the mail this week. The big piece of the missing puzzle...was a photo. We have tons of great pictures of Lili...she is so beautiful and the camera just loves her. But...when we take photos of her...we are always using our cell phones, so when I tried to print in 4x6 size...the resolution was too low. This weekend, I was determined to get a great shot of her on our finish the announcement project. It didn't quite go as planned.

Here are a few selections from location one...thanks Ken and Mary for the darling outfit. Yellow is our favorite color on Lili:

This next one is not so bad...but the brown couch is not a good backdrop:

One last shot....not so much:

Let's try outside...natural lighting. Hmm...five more all looking like this:

We took a break and met Molly and Derek at Downtown Disney. 12 noon on a Saturday in the middle of summer. This is when I long to move back to Montana. It felt like it was 114 degrees outside...with 100% humidity. It was awful. Henri was even too exhausted to really run through the water:

It was miserable:

But...we had a great time seeing Molly and Derek...and of course...we bought a few vinylmations to add to our collection. Lili picked the magical "chaser" from the Cutester collection. It is a sparkingling Cinderella Castle, so girlie and our little Lili:

After being out in the heat...everyone was exhausted. Here is Henri crashed in car seat for the ride home.

Now that we were home...we tried to take more photos. Close....

Henri rode his moose...trying to help make Lili laugh:

Still not quite right....

If I would just open my eyes nice and wide:

OK...eyes are if I would just smile. :)

She is now definitely over the photo shoot...30 pictures later...and still nada:

Maybe we could re-create our favorite mouse picture...this time in a new location. Hmmm....

Yeah...reallly not into the photos anymore:

Maybe if I lay on my stomach?? Still no....

Now I'm getting comes my pouty lip....

OK...I spit up and messed my pants...I feel so much better...let's try again. Almost....

Maybe can see my "dots" as they say at school:

On my stomach again....if I could just smile.... I am smiling...this is definitely the best of the weekend bunch...but we still like the Miss Mouse photo better....

Fifty frames in this sitting later...we decided that we are still not there yet. Our favorite picture is still Miss Mouse...and everyone will have to enjoy a low resolution shot of our sweet baby Lili. Here was our last try...even without her big smile...she is still absolutely precious:

While mommy was taking my photos...suddenly the tornado sirens went off in the house (that is code for Henri the Tornado)...and this is what we found. Jeff, who has spent much of his life in academics, said, "wow....looks like Henri was writing a research paper." Now we know where Henri gets it from. :)

One final shot of our sweet Lili from this morning. I took ten pictures with the camera...all of them...her eyes were are back to using our cell phones. :) Our friends gave Lili Baby S's clothes to wear. Grandma Schultz (unknowingly) happened to buy a pair of matching socks for this little concoction. Wait till we bust out the out little bows coming soon.

I'll try and post more this week...Happy Monday!


  1. Hi Kara!! I'm so amazed to pop over here and see that you guys are now busy with TWO beautiful kiddos!!! Congratulations!! I've been so behind on keeping up with things...summer livin'!! So happy for you guys! xoxo

  2. We're so thrilled for you, we just wish we could see you in person and give you ALL hugs!! Love, Dana, Tim, Grace & Isaac
