With two little ones...we have realized that we have to buy a double stroller. Have might be a bit strong....but carrying little Lili around in the BabyBjorn in 100 degree heat...is getting very old for us...and very hot for her. :) So...we've been researching, studying, shopping, watching videos on BabyGizmo...and finally settled on a stroller. If someone could please develop a stroller chassis with removable/changable tires...that way we could have a fold-able stroller that travels, that can serve as a jogger or a "city" stroller. Otherwise...you end up with at least two...a jogger and a "city" stroller. It's really quite ridiculous. What's more ridiculous...is that in 1988, my parents purchased this, my first car, a sweet 1978 Honda CVCC in this very sexy yellow color:

For about the same price as we are paying for this:
Henri and Lili's new hybrid jogger/city stroller "ride."
The good news....in 1988, our neighbor called the EPA regarding the slight "oil buring" problem my CVCC had...seeing if she could file an enviromental complaint against my car. :( Henri and Lili's ride...is much more environmentally friendly...emitting only the sweat of the parent pushing. :) Yikes.
Hysterical. I totally remember that Car!