Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Funny funny Henri...

So tonight....we were giving Lili a bath. She's so tiny that we still bathe her in the sink. Tonight...we thought we would shake things up and give her a bath in our bathroom sink. We have glass bowls that sit on top of the counter...we thought it would be a bit more spacious and roomy. Well...Miss Mouse tends to be a creature of habit, especially with all of the change she has gone through. The change in sinks did not go well. She was tense and could not relax...her little fists were clenched the entire time. I took her back to her bedroom to get her dressed, and her nervous tummy got the best of her and she spit up. I decided it would be easier just to give her another sink bath...since she wasn't dressed and we could just start the whole process over.

While this was happening...Jeff had undressed Henri getting him ready for his bath. When I needed help with Lili...Henri joined us in Lili's room, too. A few days ago, we put down this deliciously fluffy white carpet in her room. When Jeff and I turned around from Lili to Henri...we saw this mischievous little grin...and then this naked body making carpet angels in the white fluff:

We both laughed and laughed...he is such a little character! I can't wait for him to spend winter up north and see what he does in all of that snow!
Here are a few pics of Lili's room...still in process...but getting there:

The Waters family (from our church) donated this vintage crib to the cause. It is so fantastic...we painted the trim pink to match Lili's room...but the storage is awesome. We love it...and Lili smiles and lets out a little squeal of joy whenever we put her on the changing table or in her bed. I think she might be a home-body. :)

Lili's fabulous crib...thanks Waters Family!

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