Henri decided to show his University of Montana Grizzly pride....here he is post-fountain enjoying his favorite food...fresh fruit!

He has three bottom teeth...an awesome underbite...and more teeth on the way....

We are dying for our new stroller to arrive. In the meantime, we have given up on the Baby Bjorn and are using both of our strollers. Thank you, Tim and Carol, for the jogger. We still love and use it!

Here he is...our future Griz...jury is still out on what sport...Grandma and Grandpa Flea hope for basketball, Auntie Toots thinks football, Jeff and I are hoping for soccer. :) But...whatever he enjoys doing...that is what is most important.

The photo of the day. Jeff and Henri were wrestling...and Lili decided to get in on the action. With a little help from Daddy...she was Queen of the heap...much to Henri's chagrin. :) Look at that smile of pure delight!

More photos to come...we both have our phones ready. :)
PS....Lili had her six month check this past week. She is doing great...weighing in at a healthy 14 lbs. :) Still only about 5th percentile on all of the growth charts...but everything is growing proportionately...the doctor thinks her birth parents might have been very petite. Yay! A petite Fleharty...at last!
They are just so precious! And YAY for Jeff being home on weekends! Isn't that so nice!?