Monday, July 26, 2010

Wagon rides...

Thanks to Auntie Toots and Auntie Dort...Henri and Lili have an awesome wagon to ride around in. It's been such a great treat...and although Lili is a bit small...and we have to prop her in with blankets, they both love going for wagon rides...the perfect way to end a weekend. :) Here are a few pics from yesterday...mostly of the wagon ride...but a few from around the house. Enjoy!

Our sweet little little loves textiles. She is enamoured with fabrics and texture...of course...I am hoping that she will be my little sewer...and will someday be crowned the champion on "Project Runway" but we'll see. :) No pressure. Here she is all cuddled up in their chick blanket. Our little chick...cheep cheep.

When we added on our house...Dave Keltz designed this great landing area...that we have used as a reading space, study, Christmas tree has served a variety of purposes...but we LOVE LOVE LOVE the space right now because we use it as a family room. We have a TV, play games, have tons of is probably one of the most used areas of our house. :) While the kids were playing, we were trying to fold laundry. With little Miss Mouse...a fabric lover, and Henri the human can imagine how effective that was. Here they are...contributing to the laundry effort...sitting in the basket, sliding on the floor. Fun!

Look at us in our new wagon. We look so serious....except for Lili...she was completely relaxed:

The wagon even came with cup holders. Now...that's class. Henri was obsessed with putting his cup in the cup holder...taking it out...putting it in...taking it out. Of course...he also wanted to try the same with his sister's bottle...and maybe while mom and dad weren't looking...he'd try just one little taste....oh how he has missed that bottle...wrong:

Walking through the neighborhood:

Back home....we made it!

Here's Henri...blowing a kiss to his Aunties as a thank you for his new favorite ride:

Mommy starts work next week...we'll try to blog lots before reality sets in. :)

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