Sometimes Henri just can't seem to let go of his toys...even if he has outgrown them. And...now that his little sister is playing with them...they are so much more exciting. Here he is in the exersaucer...the great news...he was contained for about 10 minutes and the tornado was not running free through the house. :) Maybe we'll have to let him take another spin....

Kallie bought this sweet dress for Emma-bug when she was little. It's so cute...we couldn't resist having our Lili wear to church this morning.

So sweet....she has started waving. :) Look at those long fingers! She is all length...very lean and thin....

Here she is in the bumbo...not too much longer...she's started to try to wiggle out. Yikes. She is also starting to push herself up on all fours...she might be crawling soon. Watch out, Henri!

Sometimes...the bath is our favorite time of day. Only sometimes...because some days we are splash-a-holics and get water everywhere, or sometimes we take a bath too late...and have already started melt-down mode. Last night Lili and Henri had a great time in the tub...Henri has decided that his sister is OK...and Lili has decided that she no longer has to be scared of her brother. :) Ah...let's hope this continues!

Caught in the act! I'm sure you can imagine what I was saying when this photo was taken...as he was reaching for the faucet...oh my Henri!

Henri teaching Lili how to splash. Look at her laugh at her big brother!

Finally...both getting along and having fun playing together in the tub...

Thank goodness for Baby S's hand-me-downs...including the bath seat. It's a life-saver for little Lili. She loves to sit and play in the tub...and know that her brother can get close...but not squish her. :)

Henri...trying to join Lili in the bath chair...it didn't work. Thankfully.

Brother/sisterly love.

It's amazing how much the kids have grown in just a few short months. We switched Lili to soy milk and she seems to be doing much better. It smells terrible...but she likes it. :) We go back to the doctor in two weeks for a follow-up check...we'll see how much she has grown. We can tell she is getting much taller...still very small. She will definitely will be the lean one of the bunch. Henri sat on the scale this morning...and checked in at a cool 27 lbs. :) He's wearing 18-24 month clothes...although we still try to have him wear a few 12 month pjs...they end up looking like hot pants...but they are so cute...we can't let them go. :) More updates to come....
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