Thursday, July 1, 2010

Addis continued

We really didn't leave the hotel...except for our appointment at the Embassy and to enjoy a traditional dinner/dancing with the other adoptive families. Here is our sweet Miss Lili enjoying lunch out on the patio with her dad. We were dying for Coke Light (similar to Diet Coke...but sweeter) and unfortunately...had to settle for full sugar soda this trip. :(

Miss Lili in her crib in our room. Doesn't she look so peaceful?

The best part of the Hilton....was that we had 24/7 access to the internet from our room. Last time we were in Ethiopia...we felt so isolated and alone. Well...we were the only family at the guest house...but internet was so sketchy...this time...we had constant access...just not to our blog. :( we are Skyping with Lili's was great...we could Skype every day!

Emma saved this hat (and matching coat) just for our little Lili. We couldn't fabulously girlie and pink!

Lili's first bath at the hotel. She is such a mite of a thing...especially compared to her big brother. The sink was the perfect place to lather up...

More sweet Lili....

She is so quick to smile! We brought all 6-9 month you can see...she is so tiny (she is growing now) but just two weeks ago...she was drowning in the fabric.

"You have a a bar!" Yes...Lili, too, has experienced her first meal and drink in a bar. Mommy and daddy enjoyed Ethiopian draft beer. Lili enjoyed 4 oz. of formula while we all watched the World Cup. Yay for soccer!

Such a can we not smoother her in kisses??

This was taken just after we passed our Embassy appointment. Unfortunately, no cameras are this is the best we can do. Lili is officially Lilja Sidama Schultz.

That night, we celebrated with the other families over traditional dinner and dancing. We didn't do this the last time we were in ET...and were so glad that it worked out this time. Great to spend time with the other families...and great to experience. Some say...Ethiopian dance is where Beyonce gets her moves. :)

New families...all smiles.:)

Lili's final bubble bath at the Hilton. We flew out the next day for Dubai, and then back to NYC and Orlando.

One more post to come...

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