While Lili claps, here is Henri, focusing on working on the computer. On the computer. Luckily, it's my old Mac from grad school days...not too much that could go wrong:

Reason #1 that Lili is no longer in the infant seat on the counter:

Here she is exploring her new present from the Berens family...they both love to play with the blocks. Thank you!

And...here is Lili with her new baby...she LOVES the baby:

Henri loved the box that everything came in:

Here they are...my two favorite Ethiopians:

Now, Henri is ready to really use the computer. Bugdom game from 1999...yet still very entertaining:

Lili also received this great tunnel from the Berens family...to practice her crawling. She made it all the way through...and then:

She could hear something behind her....what is all that noise:

Not quite fast enough to escape the wrath of Henri! Lili has made major strides in the past week. She has gone from pushing herself up to a sitting position, to pulling herself up to a standing position. It won't be long...and these two are going to be chasing each other around the house:

All of my babes:

Sweet Lili sitting on her daddy's lap:
Kristin sent us a bag full of Emma and Nick's old toys. This thing...while it appears bright and fun...really is not that cool...compared to all the light-up, musical toys out there. Yet...like the tupperware ball with shapes inside (the one that has been around since the 1970's)...it has been a hit with both kids. Henri will play with this for hours...opening and closing each of the doors. Lili has also discovered it...so funny what they enjoy playing with:
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