Here are the kids with dad after a long day at work and school. Everyone looks so happy...well almost happy....

And then five seconds later...this is what we had. Look at sweet Lili. Even when she cries...she has the sweetest expressions. We will cut them some slack...both are cutting teeth...Henri has all four molars coming in...and his eye teeth. So sore. And Lili...she is working on her front teeth. ((Jaws song playing in background.))

Jeff took this last Saturday. I had a baby shower for a dad was in charge. Here is Henri helping getting Lili ready for the day. I love this photo...even if it is a bit of my all-time sweet the way they are looking at each other. :)

Henri loves to give his "sissy" kisses. They are really more like a lick...but she doesn't mind, and he is so's fun to watch. Yikes...this one might be a little close to the mouth...

When I came home from the baby shower...I found this...note the striped shirt with plaid shorts (all in different colors). Henri is growing like a weed...the shirt looks a bit like a shrink-wrapped half-shirt, and the shorts...he'll be able to squeeze into them for another few weeks. He's already in 24 month clothes...we just went to the doctor...he weighs 26 lbs, and is just over 30 inches tall. Quite impressive considering he weighed five lbs just one year ago. :)

Here is sissy...perched watching the action outdoors. She's probably safer here...

Or here. Look at how happy she is to be sitting on her dad's lap!

Following the splash table...we made a bee-line for the bath-tub. Here is naked Henri climbing up the stairs. I just want to give him a little cute....

Ah...the gate. He is very good about the gate at the top of the stairs...but he has started putting his legs underneath, sending his sister's toys down the stairs, or just trying to slide down...especially when he hears daddy come home.

I am so proud. We took Henri to IKEA...and he ate my meatballs over the chicken fingers. He's a true Scandinavian!

Sweet Lili...she's enjoying her soy milk. Yum!

Lili also had a big month at the doctor. She weighs just under 15 lbs...and grew 2 1/2 inches in just over a month. She's still a little pixie...hitting the growth charts at the 20% level...but she's growing and doing great. Here she is eating her first baby food...peas.

Lili is getting to be really strong...and can pretty much move where she wants to go. We have to watch her....because all of the sudden...she'll be right at your feet. She loves to be with everyone else. So cute....

Lili thought she might try out the rocking moose...and take Bruce for a little spin. She wasn't quite sure at first....but she got the hang of it...

Henri the Tornado was here...

We try to only wash their hair twice a week...on Wednesday and Sunday. Here is Henri sporting his shampoo faux-hawk.

Lili too...she couldn't miss out on anything that her big brother does...

Henri decided that he should try and tickle Lili's toes. Hmm...Lili didn't think that was such a great idea.

She tried to go after her brother...but he was too quick. Not for long...that little Lili is going to be a force for Henri to deal with.
It was Jeff's 41st birthday weekend. So...we celebrated by escaping to Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World. We stayed both Friday and Saturday night. Here we are arriving. Both kids were exhausted after a long day at school....they couldn't even focus on the new surroundings...they were so tired.

It was fantastic at Animal Kingdom. This is the inside of the lodge...absolutely gorgeous lighting....a great place for a quick escape.

Here is Henri on the balcony of our room. All the rooms overlook the savannah. We had Okapi outside of our room. If you were an Okapi...and saw this...would you want to hang out nearby?

Our little African babes...

The best part about Disney...all our kids wanted were the plastic spoons from the dining hall. No kidding. I was going to buy them a shirt, or a toy, something. They didn't care...they only wanted spoons. Good choice...Suze Ormann would be proud.

Shocking....but the Okapi did come to play...despite Henri's calls for them to join in the fun. You can see them in the distance...

Here are the giraffe from the other side of the hotel. Henri is really trying to talk. He called the cute. And...whenever the phone rings...he puts his hand to the side of his head and says "elle-oh"...maybe we talk on our cell phones too much?? Yikes.

And the zebra...

Henri was a big boy...and dined on the table in our room. Note little miss Lili crawling under the table. She has to be in on the action. 30 seconds later...she picked up Henri's discarded sippy of water and started drinking. On one hand...great...we can move her out of bottles....on the other...gross.

As we were getting ready to head out to the are the little ones in front of the giraffes...

My favorite picture from the weekend...what does the lion say? ((Roar!!))

The pool was fantastic. It might be the best pool we have experienced at Disney. There was a splash park and playground attached....Henri could not get enough. They both were absolutely exhausted by the time we left. We realized that we MUST get Henri into swimming lessons. He was in the deep end (5 ft) going under water...jumping in off the side...that boy has no fear. Little Miss Lili...she took a one hour nap on my shoulder while I walked around in the pool. They both love the water.

It was fantastic at Animal Kingdom. This is the inside of the lodge...absolutely gorgeous lighting....a great place for a quick escape.

Here is Henri on the balcony of our room. All the rooms overlook the savannah. We had Okapi outside of our room. If you were an Okapi...and saw this...would you want to hang out nearby?

Our little African babes...

The best part about Disney...all our kids wanted were the plastic spoons from the dining hall. No kidding. I was going to buy them a shirt, or a toy, something. They didn't care...they only wanted spoons. Good choice...Suze Ormann would be proud.

Shocking....but the Okapi did come to play...despite Henri's calls for them to join in the fun. You can see them in the distance...

Here are the giraffe from the other side of the hotel. Henri is really trying to talk. He called the cute. And...whenever the phone rings...he puts his hand to the side of his head and says "elle-oh"...maybe we talk on our cell phones too much?? Yikes.

And the zebra...

Henri was a big boy...and dined on the table in our room. Note little miss Lili crawling under the table. She has to be in on the action. 30 seconds later...she picked up Henri's discarded sippy of water and started drinking. On one hand...great...we can move her out of bottles....on the other...gross.

As we were getting ready to head out to the are the little ones in front of the giraffes...

My favorite picture from the weekend...what does the lion say? ((Roar!!))

The pool was fantastic. It might be the best pool we have experienced at Disney. There was a splash park and playground attached....Henri could not get enough. They both were absolutely exhausted by the time we left. We realized that we MUST get Henri into swimming lessons. He was in the deep end (5 ft) going under water...jumping in off the side...that boy has no fear. Little Miss Lili...she took a one hour nap on my shoulder while I walked around in the pool. They both love the water.
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