We have had a very mellow last few days. We spent most of the time last weekend working outside. It was a bittersweet day...our patio...that was once our lounge space...has now been taken over by tricycles and a splash table. :) Needless to say...we have a lot of work to do...luckily...the kids will "help" for a little while as we work. Here are a few shots from the past few days.
Working in the yard...Henri giving Lili a kiss...we hope:
Without Oreo, we have realized that our backlawn is no longer receiving that extra "fertilizer." We have someone coming next week to see about adding pavers. Until then...dead grass it is. :) It didn't stop Henri from playing in his pool. He loves the water:
And...he's big into hiding. Here he is, hiding under our table:
He loves to help in the kitchen. Especially around dinner time. Note...he's making a bee-line for the carrots and grapes, two of his faves:
Helping mommy cook in the kitchen:
This is little Miss Mouse with her favorite toy...it is the head to a stackable person--so it has a face on the ball, but it has a bell inside...she chases it all over the house as it rolls...she loves to give it a little shake:
Last night, I put Henri in the bathtub. Then...I went to grab Lili to get her in the tub. I walked back into the bathroom, and Henri had climbed into her bath chair. He was so happy...splashing away. It didn't last long:
Our sweet Lili. Look at those eyelashes!
Here's Henri...after dinner...messy face and all. And...note Miss Mouse in the background. She has to be a part of everything...doesn't want to miss a thing:
Big week at our house...Lili learned to wave...and Henri learned to say "Hello" and "Bye-bye." Here's Lili's best Queen Wave:
And...Lili is completely mobile. We were loading Henri in the car. Jeff came back to grab Lili...and found her crawling...almost out the front door. Watchout!
One of my favorite pictures of Miss Lili...look at those pointed toes! She might be a ballerina:
And her little smile...she is such a happy girl:
Shopping at Home Depot:
Most of the time, they get along great. But...they definitely both have their moments. Tonight, Lili was crawling to sit on Jeff's lap. Henri walked up and beat her to the punch. Lili got so mad...she sat up...started waving her arms at him...and all you could hear was "WAAAA...Da-da-da.....WAAA...Da-da-da." Just like she was giving Henri a piece of her mind. :) She is a feisty little one, that Lili. Here they are, having a sweet, tender moment in the stroller:
More soon...