Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We started off the day with the Easter bunny...went to church...and then met our friends at EPCOT for the afternoon. My pictures loaded in reverse order...still learning how to I'll start with the afternoon...and we'll work backward. :)

Henri and Nico enjoying a snow-cone (kaki-gori) in Japan. Henri watched Nico eat...

Then he thought...maybe I should try a bite...

Nico didn't really want to share. :)

What's really funny about this photo...I used to always think Nico was a giant for his age. Now...with our little Henri sitting next to him...he wasn't that big. He's a year older...but their hands were almost the same size! Yikes...

The Marconi Family!

While Nico had his picture taken with the Disney bunnies...Henri crashed in his stroller. :)

It was so bright...and Henri didn't want to wear a we tried sunglasses. He wore them for about 5 minutes. Then...he spent the rest of the afternoon chewing on them. Great.

Here's Henri with his bunny and basket...isn't he so sweet in his kahkis and vest?

He loves his bunny! Thanks Auntie Pat...she notarized all of our adoption documents...then she gave Henri this great bunny to celebrate Easter. :)

Henri really likes the pink nose on the bunny....

Sweet Easter Henri....

Such a sweet little smile...

I'm so happy...

Don't I look so cute...even with my tummy sticking out! :)

Here we are...we made it through church. Henri didn't even cry...well...he was a little squawky during the sermon...but otherwise...he did great!

Happy Easter from the Schultz Family!


  1. The hippo shoes kill me! I adore them! You guys look so happy...and this makes me so very happy. It just makes all our hearts rejoice!

    Extra hugs and love to you all!

  2. Your right I do think they should be long lost brothers! I am always showing Brian your blog and saying how similiar they look!
