Mike (Jeff's brother), his wife, Jodi, and their daughter, Emilie...flew in on Friday to spend the weekend in Orlando before leaving on a cruise. It was intended to be a Roth family trip...but unfortunately was a bit bitter-sweet. Jodi's mom and dad, John and Denise, had to cancel at the last minute do to health concerns. :( We were thrilled to have the Schultz family and the Roth (John--Jodi's brother and Jeff's best friend from growing up--Lisa, Abby, Gracie, and Sophie) family in town for the weekend...sad to see them go...and sad we didn't see John and Denise. We took lots of photos and video....hope you enjoy!
These are going to be in reverse order...but at 11 p.m. and trying to post...I hope you understand. :) Here is Lisa with baby #3...little Miss Sophie...having just enjoyed our breakfast together...

Here is Henri meeting Goofy...he's big into face parts...noses, mouth, teeth...not sure what Goofy is...so what do you call that?? His snout??

A group shot with Donald...

The Roth side of the family with Donald....

Meeting Minnie....she's so sweet...

Donald and Minnie...

Henri was fascinated with Minnie's hands. They were bigger than his! :)

The Roth family with Chef Mickey...

Henri meeting Chef Mickey...again...still fascinated with the nose...

The birthday girl! Happy 38th Jodi!

Henri meeting Pluto...he wasn't quite sure what to think of all this craziness...

John and Emilie with Abby and Pluto...

John with Abbie and Gracie...so cute!

Those are my boys...
I have video from our Chef experience...I'll post tomorrow or Tuesday. More pictures from the rest of the day to come as well....goodnight for now!
LOVE the posts!! We are busy with the move and YOU ARE BUSY with life and almost-graduation (yay!!)!! I so enjoy my Henri fix via the blog - keep 'em coming - and we will get together again soon. Don't give up on me!! :) Hope you are all doing well...can't wait for the full Schultz family updates ;)