It has been very cold here in Orlando. For FL standards...very cold. For those of you that still remember me as a Montana girl, you remember that one of the biggest reasons I didn't want to move to Florida was having to eliminate my scarf, hat, and mitten collection. :) Luckily...I've been able to bust out a few over the past few days. Here are Henri and Lili all bundled up coming home from school. Ironically...that is Henri's warm coat...size 24 months..already too small. :) Jeff is going tomorrow to buy him a new fleece. That boy!
Again...for those from my MT days...might remember that Christmas is a big time of year in the Fleharty home. Growing up...we used to have multiple Christmas trees, including one in the window of Kallie's playhouse. Ah...those were the days of driving in the mountains with a tag from the forest service (or not) and cutting your own tree. I still love Christmas. I make Jeff buy the biggest tree we can fit in our tiny house, and love to play Christmas music while I decorate. Two babes, under the age of two, have changed my Christmas strategy. This year...we bought a tree...the smallest we have ever bought...and put it outside on the patio. I'll upload photos as soon as it is decorated. For inside...I reluctantly agreed to a fake tree...I know...I feel it is was nice not to have all the pine needles all over the floor. Here is Henri and Lili taking a peak at the new addition to our home:

Henri kept saying, "wow" as he looked at the lights. He loves the Christmas lights. Then...he ran over to his book pile, and brought out the $1 Target coloring book we just bought. He wanted to show us a picture of the Christmas tree. :) He is so smart...hard to believe he is just 18 months old:
And sweet Lili. Here she is with two of her newest favorite things...the tree, and her sippy cup. :)
So many exciting times of late! We'll post more soon....
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