About a week ago, we transitioned Miss Lili onto soy milk, and she has been doing great. Much better for her. Well....I noticed Henri was developing a rash on is back and it was starting to spread to his arms and legs. He wasn't itching...and it didn't look painful...but it was definitely not right. I took him to the doctor...and they think he, too, might have a milk allergy. So....we are now a soy house-hold (except for Jeff...yikes) and hopefully runny noses will improve, too. :)
Since I took Henri to the doctor, I had him all day with me. It was nice...because I have had a lot of Lili time, but not Henri time. After our doctor visit (confirmed he weighs just shy of 27 lbs), I decided to take him to lunch. Henri loves to make everyone laugh...and sometimes it is a bit appalling what your child does...that you don't know.
So we are sitting at McDonald's (I know...great treat) and I am cutting his apple slices into bite size pieces. Lately...when he comes home from school...his hair is a mess...very fuzzy with all sorts of crumbs in it. The other day, I found the tail of a goldfish cracker hiding in his hair. Mystery solved...I look up...and Henri is looking at me with his mischievous eyes, waiting for me to laugh. He has a piece of apple perched in his afro...and he wedged it in the curls so it wouldn't fall out. :) That boy! Had Jeff been there...we'd have a picture. :) I'm sure we'll have another opportunity in the future...
Here is little Lili...our cat-napper. Since she only naps for 30 minutes at school, she is exhausted when she comes home. She sits with her dinner bottle and catches a few winks of shut-eye before we play and take baths:

When she woke up...Jeff put her in the jumperoo...and caught her making this face as he tried to take her picture. Priceless.

So...it's Shark Week on TV. At the doctor's office...Henri started crying (he's a bit theatrical) and threw his head back. I looked in his mouth...and there they were...two white flecks in the back of his mouth. Both upper molars are finally in. Now...we wait for the bottom molars. Is it forboding that he cut his teeth during Shark Week? Yikes.
Here is Lili getting her gums brushed:

Henri brushing his own teeth, and his stomach, and his hair. We're still working on where the tooth brush brushes:

Mommy helping polish those new pearly whites:

Lili...relaxing in the tub...she's so cute!

Henri...our big boy...brushing his teeth.

More pictures to come....