Thursday, December 3, 2009

Henri waves...

Just had a quick email from Sue. She had a chance to see Henri at the Transition home and said that he was doing great--had great eye contact and is very sociable. She also said he loves to wave his hands and she thinks he might be pentacostal! Ha! I might be outnumbered now on worship service. Jeff likes contemporary, I like traditional. Looks like Henri might lean toward contemporary. What's a Lutheran to do?

I am so relieved to know that Henri is responding and interactive with others. Sue tried to Skype...but I missed the call. Hopefully I'll have a chance to talk to her over the night...or early in the morning. Now that we have passed's so hard to wait. We just want to bring that little Hanky Panky home! Here's our first "posted" photo of our baby boy. Now that we have passed court...we can share his sweet smile.

1 comment:

  1. Aww he is on the same matt/blanket that several pics of Bennett are on!!! I guess they are in the same room! He is very cute!
