Saturday, July 16, 2011

Imagining and our favorite toy...Rusteze

Henri's speech is getting better and better. He is really trying to communicate--it is so much fun! He also loves to read--and lately--he likes to read you the book. :) here he is reading "Peter Rabbit."

He is also in love with trains, boats, buses, and trucks. His imagination can be fantastic--he loves to pretend. Lately--anything that he can line up in a row--is transformed into a choo-choo train. Here he is with his breakfast/bus train.

And Miss Lili is developing quite a personality as well. She is so funny--she has a great sense of humor. Here she is--helping me pack for MONTANA--by wearing my sweater and carrying my purse. Her selections. So funny.

The favorite toy has been, and continues to be Henri's car. Here they are--figuring all the ways they could play with his truck.

Still together and laughing....

Henri pushing Lil. Watch out....

Whoa--almost took off the right leg....

Lili riding solo....

Break in play to sing a few songs....stamping our feet to the music....

Henri loves to sing.....

Getting ready.....

To shout "hooray!"

Back to the car....back to back driving.

Lili pushing Henri.....

The final frame would have been Henri on his own--but he decided to stand on the seat and try to reach on the counter and grab scissors. Needless to say...that shot wasn't taken--and Rusteze was back in time-out. With Henri.

Until later.......

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Saturday, July 9, 2011


Henri is big into counting. He's got 1-2 down pat. And 7-10 are really great, too. Now we are trying to get 3-6 and we'll be good to go.

Here are Henri and Lili this morning at breakfast. Enjoy!

YouTube Video

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Faves from the past few weeks.

These are a random collection of some of my favorite photos over the past few weeks. Since this blog is really Henri and Lili's baby book...I didn't want to miss posting.

The kids love going "shopping." Mostly because they can ride in this fancy car. Lately, if Henri hears me talking...and I say, "shocking" he chimes up, "shopping? Shopping?" it's very funny.

Who knows what Henri will grow up to love...but for a two year old...he has a pretty amazing athletic ability. He can run and dribble a soccer ball, and check out this action shot....yikes.

This car has been the source of great joy...and great sorrow. Thought this was a fitting compromise.

They love Costco....

They are getting so big! Eating off big boy and girl plates.

Helping dad buy new shorts. I am a bit afraid of what they might be planning....

Waiting for the rain to stop....

Yellow carrots. Don't know where I could buy them outside of IKEA....but Henri loves them. He will eat an entire plate by himself....

Lili going to church. She had to bring her purse....

Henri at gymnastics at school. Not sure what all they do--but he loves it. His favorite teacher, Ms. Maxine, took these pics.

Lili was being the class clown--wearing a chef hat and cooking in the kitchen.

Loving bath time....

Pretty Lili on a wagon ride...

Relaxing with their feet up....

Smiling Henri...

And my favorite of the favorites....we call this "lap swim."

Happy 4th of July! God Bless the USA...Let freedom ring....

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

There goes a boat....

One last photo to post. Henri's face is classic! He saw a boat!

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4th of July weekend

Jeff is on call on the 4th, so we are celebrating our holiday early. I had gone to a fundraising auction and purchased a Disney package. Part of the package was a night at one of the resorts--so we are enjoying the Yacht Club. I think it is my favorite resort. The rooms are spacious and the pool is spectacular.

Here is our room:

And...we have a balcony where the kids can watch the boats go by....note Lili's hand putting a sticker on the back of Henri's head. She is so funny!

The view from our room:

The balcony is fabulous. It's a great place for Henri and Lili to play.

Eating their afternoon snack...

Henri thought pulling the puffs through the grates of the table--might be a more efficient way to eat.

We spent the afternoon in the pool. We floated the lazy river--swam to the waterfalls. Here is Henri showing off his skills.

He loves to swim.

He spent hours jumping in, swimming to the edge, and jumping again. No wonder they fell right asleep.

Henri has realized if he puts his face down--he swims faster. He even opens his eyes. It freaks me out--but he loves it.

My little swimmer.

After swimming, we shared a sundae. Henri called it a cupcake. :)

Our exhausted toots.

We'll post more....happy 4th!

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Our little Henri is big into the potty. For the past three months or so...he has been sitting on the potty at night, and then Lili hands him toilet paper--he shoves it in the toilet, jumps off, and we flush. No action really happening--we've just been practicing for the big debut.

This past week, Henri jumped on the potty, and we heard a new sound. Success! We Skyped with Grandma to tell her all about out.

This morning, Henri woke up and said, "potty" which I figured would be just an opportunity to play with toilet paper--but again--success! We know this is a long process and we are just getting started--but we are proud of our boy.

Here he is...I caught him reading on the pot....classic.

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Laundry robots

Every so often, the kids decide it is a great idea to put their laundry baskets on their heads and chase each other through the house. I should probably be disturbed, but it is so funny. They look like little robots. Last week--Lili started the fun by grabbing Henri's basket. Then, we migrated to her room, so Henri could be a robot, too. Here are a few pics:

Trying to fit both in the closet--they love to hide. Just a little difficult with a laundry basket on their head.

"Hi" from Henri...

Now the fun is really beginning. The dance-off!

A smiling Henri...

Lili watching her big brother...

Henri was thinking it might be time to try and hide in the closet--without the laundry baskets.


Ok...more posts coming...stay tuned.

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