I usually always post photos, but since this is Henri and Lili's "scrap" book...I also want to make sure that I write down some of the sweet stories, sayings, doings in their life.
Henri, 20 months old
Loves to say "yellow!" In fact...I think everything is yellow. :) This morning, he told both me, and his daddy, "Love you." Talk about melt your heart! Especially since it was Sunday at 6 a.m. That made up for his lack of a willingness to sleep in. :)
Yesterday, I was setting up for communion at Church. Afterwards, we took Henri to the parking lot...it's a big, grassy field and let him run and play. We brought his soccer ball with him, and I kid you not...that child can dribble the ball. Not kick...then run...then kick...he ran and kicked about half the length of the "field." He is so coordinated. Sometimes it is scary.
At school he was playing with the telephone and his teacher said, "Henri...who are you talking to?" He looked up and said, "Hello! Hello Lili!" So sweet...
Today, after church (it was Global Mission Sunday...cookies from around the world were available...and Henri ate one from every country...yikes) and coming off his sugar high, he decided he would push Lili around the floor on his red Rusteez car. It was as dangerous as it sounds...Henri was basically running...Lili was holding on for dear life (thank God!) and they were both laughing their heads off. I was dying...trying to follow along and offer guidance. Luckily...one major crash into the stove (Rusteez has no air-bags) and Lili decided enough was enough. Thankfully...all of her arms and legs are in-tact. There were a few moments as he raced along the sides of the cabinets that I was afraid something might be dislocated.
Henri's favorite foods...continue to be fresh fruits and veggies (canned if fresh aren't available) and hot dogs, fish sticks, chicken. He loves watermelon! I think he could eat an entire melon if we let him. His favorite book is "Light's Out, Night's Out" (thank you cousin, Britney)...and he reads it every morning while I get ready for work. He would choose playing outside over anything: swinging, riding his bike, going in the wagon...he loves the outdoors.
Lili, 12 months old
Our sweet Lili. She officially has two teeth. Both of her bottom chompers are in...and her top gums are swollen...so she should be cutting those teeth, soon. Lack of teeth does not slow her down...she loves to eat...loves treats...and really...we have to watch her because everything goes in her mouth. Leaves, grass...she tries it all.
Lili has started walking...she's been crawling for over four months. She's been standing for two. Just in the past two weeks...she's starting to really take steps on her own. On Friday at daycare, she walked across the room, and she's been taking a series of five or so steps before reverting back to crawling. She is such a perfectionist though...if you draw attention to her...she gets all embarrassed and lays down, or starts crying. I think, one day...she'll have perfected her walk at school...and then she'll come home and will never crawl again. We'll see.
Lili is in love with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. We have these Mylar balloons in our house from Magic Kingdom, and when she sees them...she points, smiles, laughs...it's so cute. At daycare, her teacher had a bunch of posters she hung around the room with Mickey and Minnie on them. Lili had such a meltdown because she would stand below them...pointing, wanting to see Mickey and Minnie, wanting to touch their faces...that they finally gave up and took them all down. :) She's a persistent one.
Today...at church...Lili was so sweet. She decided she was going to be the welcome wagon for our congregation. Now...we go to a traditional Lutheran church, early service, average age of member...maybe 65?? Henri and Lili are the youngest congregational members by years. Lili started by pointing at the man in front of us, and as he turned around...would say, "Hi!" Of course...he loved that...so as we walked up to the front of church for communion...she kept saying "Hi" to everyone. Including a 7-year old boy...that she picked out of the congregation...and would not stop pointing and saying "Hi" to him. His parents...loved it. The poor boy...turned about nine shades of red...and kept wondering why this baby was pointing at him. So cute.
Lili's favorite foods...she goes crazy for Beef-A-Roni. I know, it's totally disgusting...but that girl goes bonkers when she sees that is what is for dinner (only served on the rare occasion she is wearing black or navy blue...not so great for the staining of clothes), and she loves cheese, and puffs. Her favorite toys are anything that her brother happens to have, or her baby dolls, and of course...anything Mickey. She also loves outside...but her allergies are terrible after she plays...so we try to limit her time outdoors. She also loves to play in the kitchen with her brother, or take his spoon, fork, or sippy cup while they are eating. It's a funny game at our house.
We'll post photos soon...we are all recovering from colds...so we had a lazy weekend. Hopefully everyone will be back to normal, soon.