I have a ton of catch-up to do...but we had these pics taken of the kids this fall. The beauty of Montana...meet down at the river for a mini photo shoot. :)
Henri: 6 years old, loves soccer, football, taekwondo, riding his electric scooter. Wants to buy a car, grow his hair like Justin Bieber, play guitar, and skip to ninth grade. Loves all fruit, is learning to read, loves math, and is a protective big brother.

Lili: 5 years old. Loves all things sparkly and girly. Favorite colors are purple and pink, and wants to paint her room hot pink. Loves to eat soup, noodles, sushi, ham...and will try anything. Is into Shopkins, and wants to be a cheerleader someday.

Ellinor: 2 years old. Loves her brother and sissy, wants to do anything they do. She loves to watch the iPad--especially songs (usually with a heavy Indian accent), Marsha and the Bear, Peppa Pig, and Michael (a boy who reviews toys on YouTube). Goes to daycare three days a week and Leo is her boyfriend.

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